On final day of the legislature's formal session, August 1st, the fourth effort in nearly eight years to give tenants the right to buy their apartment building when it is put up for sale was once again stymied by a cartel of landlords, investors and real estate flippers determined to block cities and towns from giving tenants the tools to compete in the market to save their homes.
MAHC was a leader in a coalition of some 80 neighborhood, citywide, regional, statewide and national organizations seeking to include the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA) in the historic Housing Bond bill proposed by Governor Maura Healey earlier this year.
In Washington DC, where tenants right of first refusal has been the law since 1981, thousands of housing units have been preserved as affordable by tenants, often working with capable affordable housing developers. More than a third of these tenant-purchased buildings have been established as limited equity cooperatives. Even in Massachusetts mobile home parks have used a version of TOPA to preserve their communities as cooperatives.
The defeat of TOPA this year is a disappointing surrender to real estate interests. The lead legislative sponsors were Rep. Jay Livingstone, representing Boston’s Beacon Hill, Back Bay and Fenway, and Sen. Patricia Jehlen, representing Somerville and a portion of Cambridge.
Among the Senators on the Conference Committee which decided to toss TOPA out of the Housing Bond Bill were Will Brownsberger and Lydia Edwards, whose districts overlap with Rep Livingstone’s and adjoin Senator Jehlen’s. The highest concentration of cooperative housing in the Commonwealth is located in the four districts represented by these legislators.
At the end of the day TOPA was not primarily about creating new cooperatives but rather stemming the erosion of "naturally occurring affordable housing" around the state, a problem too long neglected by both state officials and legislators. The fight for TOPA seems to have opened the eyes to this urgent issue of many decision-makers. But the real estate industry sees any impediment to quickly extract profits from housing as an affront to their business model, which sees gentrification and displacement as an opportunity to make money.
Tenant purchase of their housing as a way of expanding homeownership, another theme of the TOPA fight, was understood by a much smaller group. The benefits of cooperatives in stabilizing neighborhoods and keeping existing housing affordable didn't seem to resonate. MAHC wasn’t able to amplify that message enough because we did not have the hard facts about how many of our member housing cooperatives were formed by a negotiation between renters and a friendly landlord. We need to know all of these stories.
How MAHC will continue to fight for TOPA will be decided by a re-energized MAHC Advocacy Committee. Beyond legislation should MAHC support conversion of rental housing to co-ops through tenant purchase? What other local and state laws and policies are needed to help co-ops and their members thrive? Join us at MAHC if you want to be part of this discussion and create a strategy that will help create more cooperatives.